What Causes Erectile Dysfunction? Exploring the Root Factors

Erectile dysfunction may come on gradually, or suddenly. It may be persistent or intermittent. So, what causes this common condition that affects up to 40% of Australian men at some stage in their lives?
It’s easy to explain the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. The root factors, on the other hand, can be much trickier to pinpoint.
There are several possible root causes of erectile dysfunction, and every patient is different. It’s often a combination of factors which leads to erectile dysfunction, calling for a combination of treatments.
Here, Medmate explains the many causes of erectile dysfunction and how to get treated for them:
Causes of erectile dysfunction
While the symptoms of ED may be clear, the causes of the condition can be complex. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by a range of factors, including male reproductive system problems, physical factors, chronic health conditions and psychological factors:
Chronic health conditions that may cause erectile dysfunction
There are several chronic health conditions that can cause erectile dysfunction. In these cases, managing the condition is often the first step in addressing erectile dysfunction. These conditions include:
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- High cholesterol
- Cardiovascular disease
- Obesity
- Sleep disorders
Physical factors that can cause erectile dysfunction
Along with chronic health conditions, there are also physical factors that may contribute to experiencing erectile dysfunction. These include:
- General ageing
- Health problems that affect the nerves, like spinal cord injury, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease
- Reduced blood flow to the penis, caused by atherosclerosis (clogging of the arteries)
- Alcohol, smoking or substance abuse
- Some medicines used to treat high blood pressure, high cholesterol, depression or prostate cancer
Problems with themale reproductive system
These conditions to do with the male reproductive system can also impinge on ability to sustain an erection:
- Scar tissue within the penis (Peyronie disease)
- Hypogonadism — when the testicles cannot make enough testosterone
- Prostate disease, along with treatments forprostate cancer or an enlarged prostate
Psychological factors that can cause erectile dysfunction
Psychological factors are a common contributor to erectile dysfunction, requiring psychological treatment:
- Unresolved problems or issues in a sexual and emotional relationship
- Anxiety about sexual performance
- Mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety
- Stress
Getting treated for erectile dysfunction at Medmate
It’s never been easier, safer and more discreet to get treated for erectile dysfunction. If you’re experiencing erectile dysfunction, book in for a consultation with Medmate today. Our team of professional clinicians take an empathetic approach to treating men’s health issues such as ED, and they can offer discreet treatment. Take the next steps towards a more fulfilling sex life and book in for a consultation with Medmate today.
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