Weight Loss Program

Lose weight with clinician led weight loss treatments

Get Started

Weight loss - Clinician Led

Did you know that modern treatments for obesity may result in an over 20% body weight loss?

Pretty amazing, right? And guess what? Your weight loss journey with Medmate starts with a free consultation!

During this free no obligation chat an online clinician will work with you to create a personalised treatment plan that fits your needs.

Begin your path to a healthier you with a free conversation with a Medmate healthcare professional today.

Stock available – Medmate has worked with partner pharmacies to secure supply of weight loss treatments, which are now in stock and available for eligible patients.

Start My Journey

How Does It Work

  • Step 1

    Get Started For Free

    Get started by completing a short registration form. One of our friendly nurses will give you a free call for a quick chat to about your eligibility and explain how everything works.

  • Step 2

    Create A Custom Plan

    A plan personalised just for you. This might include weight loss therapies if they're the right fit.

  • Step 3

    Start The Weight Loss

    Once you're in, any advised treatment will be sent straight to your door. You don't have to worry about getting your treatment – we handle all of that for you.

  • Step 4

    Track Your Journey

    Our team will set up monthly check-ins and renew your treatment as needed. Keep going with our dedicated support until you reach your weight goal!

Assessment for Weight Loss

At Medmate, our clinicians carefully look at your weight loss. They think about things like your Body Mass Index (BMI), any health issues you already have, and whether your past efforts to lose weight have worked. To join our program, get started with a free consult with one of our doctors.

Get Started

Weight Loss Program

Once we’ve had our first meeting and learned more about your needs, you’ll join our complete weight loss program with a Medmate clinician. This program covers:

– Figuring out the weight and BMI you want to reach.
– Deciding on a body composition goal.
– Discussing weight loss therapy options if it’s a good fit for your health.
– Making a schedule for regular check-ins with our Medmate nursing and medical team.

Find Out More Now

Weight Loss Treatments and Medmate

If the doctor decides that a specific treatment should be part of your treatment plan, Medmate will work with partner pharmacies that have the treatment you need. The cost will include the treatment and delivery to your home. Your doctor will help you choose the right treatment based on your health.

Medmate doesn’t give out one-time weight loss treatments. Our doctors need to keep an eye on how you’re doing, check for any side effects, and provide ongoing treatment only to patients who are in our long-term care program.

Talk to a Doctor

Join The Fight Against Obesity!

Did you know that 1 in 3 Australians is currently dealing with obesity? Surprisingly, overweight and obesity stand as the second most significant risk factor, right after tobacco use, contributing to health issues and loss of life. It’s responsible for a staggering 8.4% of the overall disease burden in Australia.

Together, we can make a change.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is obesity?

Being overweight or obese means you have extra body weight, and this can increase the chances of getting various long-term health issues and a higher risk of dying early.

If your body mass index is greater than 30, you are classified as being in the obese range.

Check your BMI here


What are Medmate's weight loss treatments?

We are unable to list this class of treatments by name.

You will have to proceed to a free health practitioner consult stage with Medmate to learn about your options.

Your clinician may advise these treatments as part of your weight loss program.


How important is diet for weight loss?

A high protein and nutritious diet is paramount to successful weight management. Your doctor will guide you through calorie tracking and set your daily calorie target. You must achieve a sustainable daily calorie deficit (at least by 500 calories). Medical treatments may assist in acheiving this goal. Referral to a dietitian may also be recommended to formulate a meal plan aligned with your goals. It’s important to retain lean muscle mass and will involve tracking your macro nutrients to ensure you hit your protein targets for each day. We recommend a tracker such as My Fitness Pal to track daily calories and macros.

Calculate your basal metabolic rate and subtract 500 to get your daily target. For example if your basal metabolic rate was 2000 calories, subtract 500 to get a daily target of 1500 calories.

Calculate your basal metabolic rate here.

Are the treatments safe?

Our clinical team will conduct a thorough health assessment and eligibility review. The choice of treatment will be contingent upon their safety in your specific circumstances.

For individuals with a personal or family history that may slightly elevate the risk of extremely rare side effects, your health practitioner will prioritise caution and suggest alternative options in such cases.

How much does Medmate's weight loss program cost?

The commencement cost of this program (including the treatment, home care pack, delivery and regular health practitioner support) is $349 a month.

Do I need to exercise to lose weight?

Gradually integrating regular physical activity into your routine can contribute to the attainment and maintenance of a calorie deficit and a healthy weight. The objective is to increase daily movement while adhering to your calorie target, eventually creating a calorie deficit conducive to weight reduction. Increasing lean muscle mass over time means your body burns more energy at rest allowing you to maintain a healthy weight and a leaner and more muscular physique. It’s a learning curve, the first step is to kick start the calorie deficit, measure results regularly and learn about how to incorporate both aerobic and resistance activity into your daily life. This is about lifestyle change. In time, your new habits will involve a healthier diet and regular activity that will keep you lean for the long term.

How do I join the Medmate weight loss program?

It all starts with a free first meeting with a clinical nurse to get things going.

This is a no obligation chat to understand things like your Body Mass Index (BMI), any health issues you already have, and whether your past efforts to lose weight have worked.

Our team will talk to you about whether you meet eligibility for the program.

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