Decoding Eczema: Understanding the Causes, Searching for a Cure, and Statistics in Australia


Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide, causing discomfort, itching, and distress. This sheds a light on the causes, providing an insight into the statistics surrounding this condition, specifically in Australia.

What causes eczema, and who is susceptible to it?

The precise cause of eczema is unknown and there is ongoing research. However, the cause is a combination of genetic, environmental, and an individual’s immune system. People with a family history of eczema, asthma or hay fever; are more likely to develop the condition, as it often runs in families. Furthermore, a compromised skin barrier and an overactive immune system response contribute to the development of eczema.

It can affect both children and adults but is usually first diagnosed in childhood. Approximately 10-20% of infants experience symptoms of eczema, while 1-3% of adults grapple with this condition. Its hallmark includes dry, itchy patches of skin that can be triggered or exacerbated by a variety of factors including allergens, irritants, stress, and even changes in climate.

Is there a cure?

As of now, there is no known cure for eczema. However, there are numerous treatments available to help manage and alleviate symptoms effectively. These treatments aim to reduce inflammation, alleviate itching, and prevent or control flare-ups and they include:

  • Topical anti-inflammatories: These anti-inflammatory creams or ointments can help reduce redness, itching, and swelling during flare-ups.
  • Moisturisers: Regular use of moisturisers helps maintain skin hydration, reducing the risk of dryness and itchiness.
  • Antihistamines: These can help control itching and provide relief during severe flare-ups.
  • Immunosuppressants: For severe cases, healthcare providers may prescribe immunosuppressant medications to reduce the overactive immune response associated with eczema.
  • Lifestyle modifications: Identifying and avoiding triggers, such as allergens and irritants, and adopting a skincare routine tailored to sensitive skin can also help manage the condition.

Statistics in Australia

Eczema is a prevalent skin condition in Australia, affecting a considerable portion of the population. Eczema Support Australia reports that 30% of Australian children are affected, and up to 10% of adults are also affected.

As a complex and challenging skin condition, Eczema is impacting a portion of the Australian population. While there is currently no cure, effective management and symptom relief are available through a combination of skincare routines, medication, allergen management, and stress reduction. The statistics in Australia reflect the prevalence of this condition, underscoring the importance of continued research and support for those living with eczema. With the right approach, individuals can find comfort, hope, and improved quality of life while keeping their symptoms under control.

If you suspect you have eczema or would like to know more about this topic, book a consultation with Medmate doctor today!

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